St John's Organisations:

Church Choir

Mothers’ Union

(1st Wednesday of each month at 8pm - winter at 2.30pm )

Commitment is to one service on a Sunday (10.00 a.m. except first Sunday of the month when it is at 11.45 a.m.), one evening service on the 4th Sunday of the month and a Thursday Choir Practice at 7.30 p.m.  Four part singing, Sung Eucharist, Choral Evensong, Special Services at the Festivals. New members always welcome...............................................................more

Held in the Edward Darling Room.  The evening starts at 8.00 p.m. There is usually a speaker or a theme.  The meeting ends informally with refreshments.  It is not necessary to be either married or a mother to be a member of the Mothers’ Union.  Visitors from other branches and non-members are always welcome...........................................more

The Music Group

Church of Ireland Men’s Society

 (3rd Tuesday of the month at 8.15pm).

The Music Group plays at the "Sunday First" service on the first Sunday in each month and on other special occasions. Young people who play an orchestral instrument will be most welcome to join.

Held in the Edward Darling Room.  The meeting begins at 8.15 p.m. and there is normally a speaker.  Non-members are always welcome to attend   . ....................more


Sunday School

Afternoon Forum
 ( 4th Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm )


The Sunday School for the younger members of the Church runs during the 10.00 a.m. service.


A pleasant afternoon once a month where retired people can enjoy a speaker, some light discussion and a cup of tea.  The emphasis is on the social aspect of the forum.  Membership is not required, all are welcome...........................................................more



Walking Group

During Lent on Sunday Evenings at 7pm members from St John's participate with other Churches in South Belfast. Each Sunday the Service is held in a different Church according to their style of worship and the address is given by a minister from another denomination.


The group arranges a programme of easy walks of about 3 to 5 miles about every six weeks usually finishing with a light meal.



Social Bridge Club
      Thursdays at 2.00 p.m.
      Toddler Group
      Tuesdays at 10am

Youth Organisations in St John's


Scouts, Cubs, Beavers

  Rangers, Guides, Brownies and Rainbows.

68th Belfast Scout Group is attached to St John's. The various sections meet each Monday as follows:
6.30 pm    Beaver Scouts
6.30 pm    Cubs
8 pm         Scout

The various sections meet each Tuesday as follows:
6.30pm    Rainbows
6.30pm    Brownie Guides
8pm         Guides
8pm         Rangers




Social and Community Events in St John's run by Non-Parochial Organisations

Laura Walker School of Ballet

Belfast Floral Arts Society

Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 2.30 -6.30pm

Wednesday evenings

Belfast Argentinian Tango society

Jo Jingles

Saturday evenings

Wednesday mornings

Scottish Country Dancing

Tots Baking

Wednesday evenings 8 - 10 pm

Thursday mornings 9.45 - 10.45am

St John’s Malone adheres to “Safeguarding Trust”, 

the Child Protection Programme of the Church of Ireland   

The Parish Panel which oversees this programme is listed on notices displayed in the Parochial Hall