Who's who in St John's?

 Our Rector:

Canon Stephen Fielding, formerly Rector of Agherton Parish, Portstewart, was Instituted to the Incumbency of the Parish of Malone on Wednesday 26 September 2018.

In the delivery of worship he is assisted by the Revd Brian Crowe and our Lay Reader Maxine Judge.


Canon Stephen Fielding
Canon Stephen Fielding

Maxine Judge




Rector's Churchwarden

Norman Campbell,

People's Churchwarden

Michael Parkinson

Rector's Glebewarden

David McCoy

People's Glebewarden

Stephen Blake-Knox

Select Vestry 2023 - 2024

Alan Armstrong;..Michael Burton;    Deidre Donnelly;  Ken Dunn,..Richard Finlay, Mary Jackson, Michael Kerr,  Bryan Milford  Gordon Millington, Paul Murray, Cate Turner (Honorary Secretary) John Wright

Triennial Elections:

Diocesan Synod Representatives 2023 - 2026:

Ken Dunn, Anne Twaddell.

Supplemental: Arthur Macartney, Patrick Morrison 

Parochial Nominators 2023 - 2026:

Ken Dunn, David McCoy, Cate Turner, Anne Twaddell
Supplemental: 1.John Wright, 2.Paul Murray, =3 Alan Armstrong and Bryan Milford

The Parish Office:

The Parish Office is open every Tuesday and Thursday mornings 10am to 1pm

At other times messages may be left on the answer-phone. The parish Office is responsible for most administrative matters not dealt with by the Honorary Secretary of the Select Vestry. 

The Parish Office phone number is 02890 667861

Music in St John's

Richard Campbell is our Organist and Director of Music. Heather Bell is our Assistant organist and Linda Montgomery leads our Music Group .

The Parish Magazine:

We would be pleased to send a copy of the magazine to anyone who would like to have one by email or by post with a small charge to cover postage.

All enquiries should be directed to:

The Parish Office,

141 Malone Road,

Belfast   BT9 5HR

Tel: 028 9066 7861 on Tuesday or Thursday morning