New Organist & Director of Music  
  Richard Capbell  

On Sunday 1 January 2014 Richard Campbell joined us as Organist and Director of Music in succession to the late Dr Donald Davison. Richard comes to us from St George's where he has been Organist and Assistant Director of Music and Organist.

Previously he was Organist and Choirmaster in St Martin's Ballymaccarrett (1990-1993), St Mark's Portadown (1993-1999), Acting Director of Music St George's (1999) and Director of Music Bangor Abbey 2000-2004. He was also Musical Director of the Lindsay Chorale, Saintfield from 1994-2002.

Richard has been active as a church organist for 23 years and has a reputation for excellence both as organist and choral conductor and director. He has appeared many times as recitalist in Northern Ireland and has played for several CD recordings with local choirs. BBC radio and TV appearances have been many and varied including playing at most BBC Songs of Praise recorded in Northern Ireland between 1995 and 2010.