Bridging the Gap - A talk by Alison Jones  

In May after its AGM the Mothers' Union branch hosted an evening for recent Confirmation candidates, their mothers, Mothers' Union members and anyone else interested. Our Rector's wife Alison Jones spoke about her work with young people in her role as Diocesan Youth Officer for her former diocese Meath & Kildare.

She spoke about the events run each year for young people in the diocese and for the whole Church of Ireland in the south. Young people attending these events had over the years built up close friendships. Within the diocese she also had set up a team to go to each Confirmation and to make it a special event for the young people. Rectors welcomed this "package".

The talk was enjoyed by the young people, their mothers and branch members, showing that the topic truly was "Bridging the Gap".

  Introducing Alison Jones   
  Refreshments   Audience participation