Rededication of Stained Glass Windows

  During September and October 2003 extensive refurbishment of the stained glass windows was carried out. This required the removal of many of the windows to a workshop for cleaning and repair, and cleaning in situ of the remainder. The removal of windows, especially the large East Window allowed us to see St John's in "a new light". It was good to have the windows back.

Although repair of the windows had been discussed for many years, it finally was made possible by a generous legacy from the late Sir Cecil McKee with an additional anonymous donation.

  On Sunday 4 January 2004 Bishop Alan came to the "Sunday First" service to rededicate the windows. He spoke about the many stories told by the windows.

Music at the service was provided by the Music Group, and as it fell during the university holidays it was good to have a few former members who are students home for Christmas.

  A choir of Younger Members also sang for us, with a beautiful solo verse.

Returning students also provided a dramatic interpretation on the "Coming of Light" accompanied by a Younger Member with a candle.

It was a beautiful service, appreciated by the larger than usual congregation.